Here is another writing prompt which basically focuses on the Passe Compose. Using the irregular verbs --Avoir, Etre.
Here are the instructions:
You are spending six months in Paris studying at a specific language school. Write your French teacher a letter telling her how things are going after the first week. In your letter, tell her about two places that you saw and what you did there. Then compare The Louvre and Le musee Piacasso telling her which is more interesting and naming the most beautiful painting that you have seen.
Here is what I did:
Chère madame Keem, je suis *amoureuse* de Paris. Il est vraiment *amusant* et il ya tant à faire. J'ai vu la Tour Eiffel et j'ai vu le Grand Palais. A la Tour Eiffel Je suis *monté* tous les escaliers pour *vu* la vue de *dessus* de Paris. Au Grand Palais, je suis allé *regarder* les expositions. La Louvre est plus intéressant que le musée de Picasso. Le plus *beau* tableau que j'ai vu est la Joconde.
I put stars around the words I wasn't sure whether to use, and whether they are in their past forms or not.
Also I want to sort of simplify my sentences, but this was as much as I could simplify them.
I would really like help with this passe compose stuff. Thanks so much Sra for all the help :)
1 answer
"I love Paris" = more idiomatic with "J'adore Paris."
il y a (separate words)
You are feminine so in the Passé Composé with être, the past participle functions like an adjective and must be the same gender (feminine) and number (singular) as YOU = je suis montée
after a preposition, the only form of a verb that you may use is an infinitive (just memorize that) = pour voir
here's another: je suis allée
Le Louvre is masculine = intéressant
Just how much help do you need with the Passé Composé? For example, irregular past participles with avoir OR which verbs use être. You need to ask specific questions for my covering what you need.
Sra (aka Mme)