It seems to me those are enough reasons/rationalizations to continue smoking.
As a 74-year-old heavy smoker, I've used two of those rationalizations. I'll take my chances on fatal illnesses due to smoking than live long enough to get Alzheimers as my mother did.
Here are some of the rationalizations I came up for smokers. I need at least 2-3 more examples. What would rationalizations be for non-smokers
I'm under a lot of stress, and smoking relaxes me.
Smoking makes me more effective in my work.
I've already cut down to a safe level.
You have to die from something it should be smoking
Smoking helps me control my weight.
I've been smoking a long time. The damage is probably done, so it won't help me to quit.
My friends smoke and it will be too hard for me to stop while they still smoke
I'll stop some day, but this is not a good time for me to try.
5 answers
Since I seem to have the rationalizations done for smokers where would I begin for non-smokers? Can u provide me with at least two ratizonalizations so I know where to begin and then I will post the other ones that I come up with please.
First I want to add to the rationalizations smokers give. I questioned an attractive, intelligent young woman in her 20s about why she smoked. She replied "it is cool," and she thought it was a form of rebellion against society.
Non-smoker's rationalizations:
Smokers stink.
Smokers risk getting terrible diseases.
I don't want to go outside every time I want a cigarette.
Non-smoker's rationalizations:
Smokers stink.
Smokers risk getting terrible diseases.
I don't want to go outside every time I want a cigarette.
Here's some Rationalizations that I came up for non smokers! I need like one more example.
I want to live longer
For each ciagarette a smoker has takes 11 minutes off their life
Save Money
Useless Habit
Don't want someone else to take in second hand smoke
I want to live longer
For each ciagarette a smoker has takes 11 minutes off their life
Save Money
Useless Habit
Don't want someone else to take in second hand smoke
Those are all excellent.
I'm pregnant.
I don't want to be addicted to anything.
I'm pregnant.
I don't want to be addicted to anything.