Help with aims needed!

1. activity: teacher shows learners flashcards and they repeat the words after the teacher - what are the aims of this task?
2.activity: teacher shows the same flashcards and pronounces each word ( first word whispering and last word shouting) learners repeat after the teacher.what is the aim?
3.activity:teacher shows realia (food items) so everything that was on flashcards now learners can see it and touch it and smell it.what is the aim?
4.activity:teacher just mouths the words without saying anything and students try to guess what the teacher was saying.what is the aim?

1 answer

1. visual, auditory and vocal stimuli

2. visual , auditory at different levels, vocal

3. visual, tactil, olfactory

4. visual (sight reading)

All activities reaching the 5 senses.
