help us!!! plzz

btw this is not a question :P

6 answers

Please be patient. Jiskha questions are answered by volunteers who help students in their spare time. Although many of us spend a lot of hours a week here, we do not guarantee that all questions are answered quickly.

I'll take a look at the unanswered questions now.

Please note that if you'd used a real first name, I'd look specifically at your questions.
oh i have to create a user or something?
No. Please just type a name in the First Name box above. It can be your real first name or a made-up name.
well what if my made-up name is anonymous? :P
1. Nearly all the tutors here are retired teachers, and most live in the Eastern or Central time zones in the US.

2. Students who don't give themselves an identity, as Ms. Sue instructed above, get lumped into the big Anonymous category, and tutors have little time or patience to try to sort out who's who.

1. Students who post after 11:00 pm and before 7:00 am or on Saturday evenings or Sunday mornings are not likely to get help fast.

2. A student who posts with a unique identity (one which does NOT include all-caps or umpteen exclamation marks or demanding verbiage, such as ASAP) is more likely to receive coordinated help from tutors, as well as more likely to be able to find his/her posts later.

PS -- Sticking your tongue out in a silly emoticon is also likely to turn tutors off.
I like Writeacher's comments! I'll second that!
I'll add a third.
3. A student who post his/her work and asks us to check it for errors is more likely to get a quick response than one that posts a LOOONG question consisting of many parts and asks us to work the problems so s/he can compare answers.