HELP! This is my assignment(below) and i can't seem to get started I need help, can anyone point me in the right direction?
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word research paper identifying the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious, and familial conventions and/or statuses of four Hispanic groups living in the United States. Your paper should cover Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and two groups of your choice from Ch. 9 of the text.
• Dedicate an equal portion of your paper to each Hispanic group.
• Conclude your essay by summarizing major differences and commonalties apparent among the groups.
• Format your paper according to APA requirements.
• Post your paper as an attachment.
Course Syllabus Page 20
and it was due yesterday!!!!!!!
ok what you do is look up all these words define them and that should be the start of your paper. GOOD LUCK!
Toward the center top of the Jiskha webpage is a search box. Type in each of the ethnic groups you need to find out about and click on Go.
There are many websites that have already been given in previous answers that relate to your topic. You'll need to conduct separate searches for each group you choose, and you'll need to go through the different linked posts to find the links. But they're there.