Start out with the fraction as written. The wherever there is a negative exponent, swap between numerator and denominator:
Invert the fraction:
= x-1y5z5/2x5y4z3
= y5z/2xxyz
= yz/2xyz
Now subtract exponents, leaving the larger portion where it is:
Help please-I'm totally lost-
How would I simplify (2x^5 y^4 z^3/x^-1 y^5 z^5)^-1
Thank you for any help you can give me-I'm so stuck for my homeworkk tonight. I know I can bring up the negatives to top and negative to bottom to make them positive but besides that-I don't get it
2 answers
Oops. Lost track of the exponents:
y^5 z^5 / 2x^5 x^1 y^4 z^3
y^5 z^5 / 2x^6 y^4 z^3
y^5 z^5 / 2x^5 x^1 y^4 z^3
y^5 z^5 / 2x^6 y^4 z^3