1. What was the result of the 1995 referendum held in Quebec?
A. Quebec separated from Canada*
B. French became the official language of Canada
C. Quebec's people voted to remain part of Canada
D. Quebec became part of France
2. Early Spanish, British, and Russian explorers of what is now British Columbia came to the region in order to?
A. settle*
B. farm
C. trade
D. mine
3. What was one effect of the 1858 gold rush on Vancouver Island?
A. Farming increased
B. Manufacturing decreased
C. The population increased*
D. Immigration decreased
4. How have residents of Canada's eastern coast dealt with changes in the fishing industry?
A. They have completely given up fishing
B. They only fish for cod
C. They have banned aquaculture
D. They concentrated on other economic activities*
More will be posted!
9 answers
1. One way that European settlement changed the lives of the native peoples in the Plains region was by
A. Exposing them to new diseases*
B. Building schools for their children
C. Giving them free land
D. Teaching them how to farm their land
2. How has the geography and climate of the Northern Territories influenced the population?
A. Very little of Canada's population lives there*
B. Most of Canada's population lives there
C. The population is entirely indigenous
D. No indigenous peoples live there
3. How do Canada's territories differ from Canadian provinces?
A. More wheat is grown there*
B. No English is spoken there
C. They are governed differently
D. The terrain is less rugged
4. British Columbia's geography and trade partners create a strong link with the area known as
A. the Pacific Rim*
B. Western Europe
C. Eastern Europe
D. South China
Thanks for the help!! :)
What are the answers to 1 and 2 then?
1.Canada must be super powerful!
2. Quebecs people must have really liked it there!
(Voted to stay)
3. The brought along something new, but not a good kind of new.
4. It went up up up!!!
(Immigration increased!)
5.You have this, I have this... wanna trade?
6.It went up up up!
(Population increased)
7. They took there mind off the loss!
Concentrated on other things.)
8.It went down down down down.
(Not much population lives there)
9. Where different!
(By the government)(Govereened differently)
Hope this helps! (100%)
Give it your all! 120%
I'm no CCA student, but unless you're in the same class as him, you can't tell, secondly, if you're here, doesn't that mean you were looking for answers too?