Help needed! It's due tomorrow please. Thanks. I have to do imitation.
1) A veteran bronc rider, Tom Block has ridden nine horses to death in the rodeo areno,and at every performance the spectators expect him to kill another one.
This is the imitation: Soccer player, Jackson has scored a nine goals in the field and every game the coach, teammates counted on him.
Please help translate these three.
1) A green garter snake, a skittish one with a six inch length, slid toward the foot of the tree, parted grass in the wet yard, stopped, sensed, and disappeared in flash.
2) The dictionary had a picture of an aardvark, a long tailed, long earned, burrowing African mammal living off termites caught by sticking out its tongue as an anteater does for ants.
3) The living room contained a portrait of an ancestor, a grim faced, black haired disapproving matronly relative giving out disapproving signaled by looking down her nose as a parent does in disappointment.
4) A beautiful animal, it lay in the position of a marble lion, its head toward a man sitting on an upturned bucked outside the cage.
Thank you.