Help! My teacher did not explain the lesson of particles very well. Please check.

I will type the particle out to the right of the sentence and capatilize the participal phrase.

1. Defeated teams should not make excuses for their loses. Defeated
2. The actor, HUMBLED BY THE HONOR, thanked the judges. Humbled
3. THINKING RAPIDLY, luis answered the question. Thinking
4. INVIGORATED BY THE VICTORY, Sylvia laughed with her coach about the game. Invigorated
5. ENCOURAGED BY THE ENTHUSIASM OF THE AUDIENCE, the singer performed an encore. Encouraged
6. AMUSED BY THE CLOWN AT THE CIRCUS, the children asked for another ticket. Amused
7. DELIGHTED BY HER PUPILS PROGRESS, Ms. Dolan prepared more difficult lessons. Delighted
8. JUMPING UP AND DOWN, the fans swarmed onto the court. Jumping
*9. The archeologist worked slowly, examining each peice of dirt carefully. Worked
10. the computer, GIVEN CERTAIN DATA, was able to print combinations. Given
11. HAMMERING THE LAST NAIL INTO THE HOUSE, Heath stepped back to admire his work. Hammering
*12. George went to Anita's house, WONDERING WHY SHE HADN'T ANSWERED HER PHONE. Wondering
13. Lifting each tiny, precious stone with tweezers, the gemolist studied the diamonds. Lifting
*14. She chose the pony STANDING UNDER THE TREE. standing


1. Defeated teams should not make excuses for their loses. Defeated right

2. The actor, HUMBLED BY THE HONOR, thanked the judges. Humbled right

3. THINKING RAPIDLY, luis answered the question. Thinking right

4. INVIGORATED BY THE VICTORY, Sylvia laughed with her coach about the game. Invigorated right

5. ENCOURAGED BY THE ENTHUSIASM OF THE AUDIENCE, the singer performed an encore. Encouraged right

6. AMUSED BY THE CLOWN AT THE CIRCUS, the children asked for another ticket. Amused right

7. DELIGHTED BY HER PUPILS' PROGRESS, Ms. Dolan prepared more difficult lessons. Delighted right

8. JUMPING UP AND DOWN, the fans swarmed onto the court. Jumping right

*9. The archeologist worked slowly, examining each piece of dirt carefully. Worked not right; "worked" is the main verb; try this one again please

10. The computer, GIVEN CERTAIN DATA, was able to print combinations. Given right

11. HAMMERING THE LAST NAIL INTO THE HOUSE, Heath stepped back to admire his work. Hammering right

*12. George went to Anita's house, WONDERING WHY SHE HADN'T ANSWERED HER PHONE. Wondering right

13. Lifting each tiny, precious stone with tweezers, the gemologist studied the diamonds. Lifting right

*14. She chose the pony STANDING UNDER THE TREE. standing right

9. The archeologist worked slowly, EXAMINING EACH PIECE OF DIRT CAREFULLY. Examining

Oh, could you also make sure on these too, please. Is there a participle phrase?

1. The participating colleges each had a desk at the convention. Participating
2. Defeated teams should not make excuses for their losses. Defeated

Thank you so much you have been an extreme help.

#9 = correct! Congrats!!

#1. Participating is a participle, but there's no participial phrase; the participle is modifying colleges.

#2. Again, it's a participle, but there's no phrase; it's modifying teams.
