Have you read through pages 217-233? What did you find?
We have no idea what's in there, but that's YOUR starting point. Once you know what teaching methods are listed and explained (?) in there, you should be able to do the assignment.
help.. Many historical and current events are controversial, including multicultural, gender, and
moral issues. Although teachers do not have to shy away from teaching controversial subject
matter in the social studies classroom, they should approach the teaching of these subjects
differently than they do noncontroversial subjects.
• Resource: Pages 217-233 of Curriculum and Instructional Methods
• Due Date: Day 3 [Individual] forum
• Describe, in 200 to 300 words, the different approaches you can use for teaching
controversial versus noncontroversial subjects. Identify the subjects and then provide a specific example of each type of instruction.
help please
2 answers
If you are referring to pages from a textbook, it would be helpful to tell us the title, author, copywrite date, etc.