Hello, we have to do another essay and this one is on the playboy of seville in english. I need help trying to find the passages for this question: There are a few important passages in the play where characters desribe their feelings in terms of ice and fire or otherwise coldness and burning? What feelings do these contrasting images represent, identify and explain with specific examples in the case of thisbe during encounter with Don Juan and Don Jun during encounter with the statue stone. If you could just help me with act and verse and I can go from there that would be great. thanks alicia.

7 answers

Is the English that you are reading online? It would be helpful if I could see the SAME thing you are reading. Otherwise the acts/verses might not be the same.

Yes I am reading it through my college website
Well, you are on your own here if you can't give me that website! I have only ever read this in Spanish and that's all I have. I "skimmed" through until my eyes can not focus. I found a LOT of references to burning, being on fire and the word fire (fuego.) I can tell you where they are in MY spanish text, but having never seen an English copy, I have no idea what the verses are for you!

I suggest you learn to skim, looking for ice, fire, burning, etc.

Act I
Octavio uses fire, lines 19304
Catalinón wants to kiss Tisbea's hand of cold snow = lines 563-4
Water and fire are mentioned in lines 615-619
Tisbea mentions fire a LOT, for example, talking to D. Juan = lines 953, 986-8, 991 = flames, burning, 991-3
1029, 1044

Act II
D Juan with Catalinón = fire & burns = line 1790

Tisbea = water for the flames, line 2144
D Juan & D Gnzalo = I'm burning, Don't burn me with your fire, lines 2748-9
D Gonzalo = line 2751
D Juan burning on fire = line 2770
Catalinón, 2372-3
D. Gonzalo = snow 2464, etc. (with D Juan)
Octavio says D. Diego has icy blood = 2566
D. Juan on fire 2748-9
when he dies, line 2770

I hope that will help you & if you can post WHERE I can find it in English, I'll skim for you.

I haven't yet answered about "opposites."

For the Chinese, fire or flame is associated with the concepts of life and health (deriving from the idea of body heat) and also allied with the symbol of superiority and control (spiritual energy). The power and the vitality of the sun, by analogy, is tantamount to victory over the power of evil, or the forces of darkness. Purification by fire is the necessary sacrificial means of achieving the sun's triumph.

Ice represents principally two things: the change induced in water by the cold = congelation and the stulification of the potentialities of watr. Thus, ice has been defined as the rigid diving line bvetween consciousness and the unconscious. Coldness implies resistance to all that is inferior

The above is from "A Dictionary of Symbols" originally written in Spanish and translated by J.E. Cirlot

In the play about D Juan, fire is associated with love, passion. Therefore the ice is the opposite or, perhaps, reason.

Its at my school website at clarion university at the library through ereserves and we have a passcode we have to use to read the book.
If you can at least tell me the TITLE of the book, the AUTHOR, the COPYWRITE date, I know what to look for!

I am in your online class. I am debating on whether or not to submit this correspondence to Dr. Shao. Perhaps you didn't catch onto the meaning of the Playboy of Seville: THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES FOR OUR ACTIONS.