You want dP/dt, you have dV/dt so what do you need?
dP/dt = dV/dt * something
the something is dP/dV so that the dVs cancel and so you get dP on top.
You have to write PVb=C as P = and then differentiate that to get dP/dV.
You should be able to substitute everything in then after that
You can find what C is from the start by substituting in b, V and P
The pressure P and volume V of an expanding gas are related by the formula PVb=C, where b and C are constants (this holds in adiabatic expansion, without heat gain or loss).
Find dPdt if b=1.6, P=12kPa, V=80cm2, and dVdt=20cm3/min.
Thus far,
I got d(PV)/dt= p(dv/dt) + V (dp/dt), which can be rewritten to dp/dt = -P/V * (dv/dt)
However, when I plug the numbers in, they are incorrect!
-12/80 * 20 = -3
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you in advance.
1 answer