Hello -- Looking for help with an extra credit assignment to give my grade a needed boost. The program is to display a star pattern with java loops. From prof:

7. Write a program using loops to display the star pattern that follows the written description. You need to ask the user as to what the number of stars in each row should be (x)? You should also ask the user what number of rows to print (y)? When you get these two inputs start printing ‘x’ stars on each row. When you go to the next row the number of stars will shift right by one space. So the first row will have zero space, the second row will have 1 space, and so on. You will do that till you hit the mid-point. This would be y/2 or y/2+1 depending upon whether y is odd or even. After the mid-point start decreasing the number of spaces on each line as you reach y. Remember that you will have a nice arrow only if the number of rows is odd. Restrict the number of stars to less than 10 and more than 0.


1 answer

Please look at your later post. Be sure you leave enough time between posts because the volunteers are not on 24/7. They come and go as they can.
