Hello! Let’s take some time to explore one of organelles vital to the function of a cell…the nucleus. The nucleus is found in all eukaryotic cells. The nucleus was actually the first organelle ever discovered with drawings dating back to the early 1700’s, but it wasn’t until the 1900’s that the nucleus was discovered to be the main organelle responsible for hereditary information. We are able to look through this microscope and observe the nucleus in many cells, but let’s go even further “inside” the cell for an even closer look. Look at all of these structures. These other organelles, such as the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, also play a vital role in how a cell functions, but let’s work our way over to this round organelle. This is the nucleus. It is surrounded by its own membrane, the nuclear envelope. It is actually two membranes, an inner and outer one. Its purpose is to protect the genetic information inside the nucleus from the rest of the cell. The outer membrane is also studded with another organelle, the ribosome. Inside of the nucleus is the cell’s genetic information or DNA. The DNA is organized into structures called chromosomes which would become visible when the cell undergoes mitosis or cell division. The darker circle is the nucleolus, and this is the site for making new ribosomes for the cell. Inside the nucleus, the chromosomes serve as the site for transcription, which is where DNA codes for the production of RNA to start the process of protein synthesis. This process is essential to a cell for gene expression. The nucleus is sometimes called the “boss” of the cell as it helps dictate what occurs in the rest of the cell.

Question 1
The nucleus is the site of ______________ in protein synthesis.
A transcriptiontranscription
B translationtranslation
Question 2
What important macromolecule is contained in the nucleus?
Question 3
How many membranes are does the nucleus have?
A 11
B 22
C 3

Please answer all 3 questions correctly

1 answer

Question 1: A - transcription
Question 2: A - DNA
Question 3: C - 3