Hello. :] I've tried all the online translators, but they don't work...
What is materias in English?
3 answers
Hola :) are you sure that you have the correct spelling ? What is the sentence
materias means matter :) hope that helps
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Correct! Online translators NEVER work. There is no way they understand the nuances and/or the context.
Invest in a good paperback English--->Spanish, Spanish--->English. Take the English word and look it up. Now, write down ALL the possibilities in Spanish. Then, look up each Spanish word for the primary English meaning. You will find many surprises. Select the word depending upon the context, or exactly how the word is used.
If you need online dictionaries, just ask because there are some good ones.
As for the word "materias" here are all the meanings: matters, materials, "stuff." Select the best word, depending upon the context.
Invest in a good paperback English--->Spanish, Spanish--->English. Take the English word and look it up. Now, write down ALL the possibilities in Spanish. Then, look up each Spanish word for the primary English meaning. You will find many surprises. Select the word depending upon the context, or exactly how the word is used.
If you need online dictionaries, just ask because there are some good ones.
As for the word "materias" here are all the meanings: matters, materials, "stuff." Select the best word, depending upon the context.