
I need to come up with a very creative way to express who I am to a certain group of people. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at art, so I would have to come up with a new way.

Are there any ideas you might have?

Thank you very much for your help.

4 answers

One of my favorite art forms is the collage. You can use photos of your self, pictures from the internet, or a combination of the two.

First, though, I suggest you make a list of all of the things about yourself that you want to share with the other people.
MsSue's idea is great! You don't need to use just pictures, you can use pieces of fabric, plants, anything that you can glue to a piece of board or cardboard.
Think of dividing it into areas of Who you Are. You might even draw an outline of your profile and glue the "stuff" where it will make a neat picture.
My girl scout troop (Part of the Agents of Change training) had each girl make a who am I poster last meeting; Picture in the center, then descriptive words all over the poster, each girl picked the words.
I like the poster idea, but the problem is that I don't have access to any of those resources.

I'm away from home so I don't have access to pictures or poster boards.