#1 ok
#2 26 + 3 who also liked Dalmatians but not Mickey = 29
#3 115-(39+43+56-(7+10+16)+4) = 6
Hello I need some help with these questions.
A survey of 115 children found that
39 liked The Little Mermaid
43 liked 101 Dalmatians
56 liked Mickey Mouse
7 liked The Little Mermaid and 101 Dalmatians
10 liked The Little Mermaid and Mickey Mouse
16 liked 101 Dalmatians and Mickey Mouse
4 liked all three
Question 1: How many students liked ONLY 101 Dalmatians?
My answer 24
Question 2: How many liked the Little Mermaid but NOT Mickey Mouse?
My answer 26
Question 3: How many students did NOT like Mickey Mouse?
My answer 50
Am I correct?
Thank you for your help!!
1 answer