If you use this webpage as a guideline, you can probably decide which part of her life you want to focus on.
Also, be sure to check out the external links, bibliography, and other reference sections at the bottom of this webpage.
Let us know what you decide on if you want someone to comment.
I have to write a research paper on a paticular author. I chose Mary Shelly since we just finsihed reading Frankenstein. I need to narrow down my topic to make it more specific. I don't know how to start. I want to somehow relate her life with Frankenstein. By what her inspiration was when she wrote the story. Will there be many points to write a 6-8 research paper.
Another topic I had was the science during that time?
Also another one is, What was the people's opinion when Mary Shelly wrote a work of science fiction? did they accepted it?
plz help me narrow down my topic, and have enough resources to do my research.
thanks everyone
4 answers
As I was reading about her life. There is alot about her and her husband's life. How her husband encouraged her to write.
So what if I do...How her Husband's encouragement imapacted her life and writing....
is a general topic, should i make it more specific.
So what if I do...How her Husband's encouragement imapacted her life and writing....
is a general topic, should i make it more specific.
or how her husband impacted her literary work
How her husband affected/influenced her in her literary work -- that's good.
I'd avoid the word "impact" unless you mean he actually hit her!
And I don't think you mean that, right?
I'd avoid the word "impact" unless you mean he actually hit her!
And I don't think you mean that, right?