Hello, I have a question and I would like to know if anyone can help me.

Well I was reading about the motion of an ideal "yo-yo" and I found that mechanical energy is conserved, but there´s something that I don´t understand and it´s about the work performed by the tension. Why does the work perfomed by tension is not taken in the ecuation of conservation of mechanical energy?...
Is it because the tension is constant or no?

1 answer

The tension does no work. If you attach a rope to a tree, and climb the rope, is it doing work? If you climb a ladder, is it doing work?
But in both cases, there is force (on the rope, on the ladder), but it is not moving anything.
YoYo climb up and down due to two competing forces: 1) the gravity pulling it down, and 2) the axial force which is caused by rotation of the yoyo.