Hello. I have a history project and I really need help with thinking of a catchy phrase. It has to do with the first amendment and its also a public service announcement. If anyone has any ideas please help me out. Thank you very much.

4 answers

What part of the first amendment do you want to highlight? Freedom of religion, of assembly, of the press?
I wanted to focus more on the freedom of religion
Start with what "freedom of religion" means. Does it mean freedom to practice one particular religion? One particular interpretation of that religion (i.e. Catholic, but Baptist is banned), freedom to have no religion at all? Freedom to practice any religion in whatever way you choose?

Catchy phrases depend on what you want to say to your audience in a PSA. The purpose of a "catchy phrase" is to get the audience's attention.
If my point was that ALL religions are permitted, without question, I might start out by saying, "How would you like it if a law banned the practice of YOUR religion?" It really depends on the point you want to make.