Hello! I have a hard time finding out what these words mean? Can you send me any websites? That would help so much! Also, can you send any educational websites for me. I only got an "A" on math and the rest of the subjects are B's. I want to pass all of these subjects. Thank you for your help!

3 answers

When you don't know what a word means, use the website bobpursley gave you. You can also use your browser by typing in the word plus the word "definition", then enter or click on the search icon. You'll get a definition of the word.

When you have a question in any subject, we'll be glad to post a link for you. You can also look it up for yourself. Type the specific topic or question in your browser, then enter, or click on the search icon. Your text materials are your first source of information, but if they seem unclear or you don't understand, please ask us specific questions or use your browser for additional information.

And, by the way, I always thought a "B" was a passing grade. I admire your desire to excel, but a "B" is a good grade. Keep working at it, though! The more you understand about the world we live in, the better off you are. :)
Thank You!!! :)