Hello, I am writing a recycling speech and I am almost done. I just need to use three stylistic devices. I know what it is, like metaphors and them. So, what would be good examples of stylistic devices that i can put into my speech. My topic is mainly encourages people to recycle.
Here is the speech.
25 answers
What is the deal with recycling? It is such an important environmental issue, and yet it seems as though there isn’t much done about it as a community. If you ask a random person on the street what they think about recycling, nine times out of ten they will smirk and tell you “It’s good for the environment.” But, really, they don’t understand the significance of recycling. Most people already know that recycling helps conserve natural resources, and of course know that recycling saves space in our landfills. On the other hand, few know that recycling waste products conserves water, energy, trees, and helps reduce pollution in our drinking water and air. This speech will try to encourage each and every one of you to be more considerate about recycling program and take responsibility for the land that you are living on. So, basically what I’m trying to impress upon you all is that if you don’t do something to help keep an environment sustainable through recycling and cleaning it could disappear. Some people are extremely lazy. Some are cheap. Some are ignorant. We can’t all be perfect, but all of us can recycle.
Did you know that that empty Sprite bottle that you so thoughtlessly recycled will store more than enough energy to keep your television set running for hours on end? Lots of people believe that it is not worth their time to recycle or that whatever they do is insignificant, but that's wrong it really takes no longer to throw a can in the recycling bin than in the garbage. Anything that anybody recycles makes a difference, for instance one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a T.V for 3 hours, a single glass jar saves enough energy to light a light bulb for 4 hours. Conserving energy by way of recycling is a critical environmental benefit. Every pound of steel that you recycle will save enough energy to light a 60-watt bulb for more than a day! The EPA estimates that 75 percent of our waste is recyclable, which includes more than household trash. So much material is recyclable, yet so little of it is actually reused. By recycling, you can keep materials like aluminum and environmentally hazardous chemicals that include lead and mercury form winding up in a landfill, causing irreparable damage to the environment.
Have you ever smelled something stinky and wasn’t sure what it is? There are so many landfills that are located near people. People see and smell the garbage on a daily basis should they happen to live in the area of the landfill. If you want to live on a landfill, you can if you like. By recycling, you can stave of having to build more and more. There are so many people that are basically just ignorant or lazy and don’t understand the importance of recycling, to tell you the truth I am one of them. I understand that spending few minutes separating the materials from one another is difficult, or perhaps doesn’t make any sense. This is ridiculous. Recycling waste is far better than sending to an unsightly landfill as we’ve seen, and even incinerating waste is extremely costly. So, would you rather spend those few minutes out of your busy life or see and smell landfills waste all year around?
Another problem many have with recycling is simply their ignorance of how much waste can be reused and how much actually is. I’m not calling anyone stupid, just misinformed, and until very recently I counted myself among this group. Three quarters of household waste can be reused, but many people do not realize how ugly a landfill can be. Let’s imagine for a moment that nobody recycles or reuses materials. This imaginary situation is really kind of scary because we have to get rid of waste. Now let’s say we use a landfill or burn trash. The pollutants and chemicals we have to dispose of can leak into the ground or not even be disposed of properly. "If a tree falls in the woods, can you hear it?" if we have no more trees there will be no trees to hear falling.
Another problem many have with recycling is simply their ignorance of how much waste can be reused and how much actually is. I’m not calling anyone stupid, just misinformed, and until very recently I counted myself among this group. Three quarters of household waste can be reused, but many people do not realize how ugly a landfill can be. Let’s imagine for a moment that nobody recycles or reuses materials. This imaginary situation is really kind of scary because we have to get rid of waste. Now let’s say we use a landfill or burn trash. The pollutants and chemicals we have to dispose of can leak into the ground or not even be disposed of properly. "If a tree falls in the woods, can you hear it?" if we have no more trees there will be no trees to hear falling.
The problem of recycling is big for one person and we all have to come together and contribute to our nature. It doesn’t take that much of your time to sort out garbage and recycle. "If a tree falls in the woods, can you hear it?" if we have no more trees there will be no trees to hear falling. I don’t expect that after this speech you are going to go and hug the trees, but I hope that you become more aware of importance of recycling and contribute to the health of our community and environment.
why should w rcycle its a waste of time!!!!!!!
I need help on a speech about recycling but think of another way to recycle
Can you help me write a recycling speech?
Did you know that an empty sprite bottle can store enough energy to keep ur television running for hours on end?Anything that anyone recycles can make a huge difference! Everyday day you throw away someting. So do your freinds,neighbors, and just about everone on the planet.Have you ever smelled something stinky and wasn't sure what it was? There are so many landfills that are located near people. People see and smell the garbage on a daily basis. If you want to live in a landfill, you can if u like. Three quarters of household waste can be reused, but many people di not realize how ugly a landfill can be. Now let's say we use a landfill or burn trash. The pollutants and chemicals we have to dispose of can leake into the ground or not even be diposed properly.
*If only 100,000 people stopped their junk, mail, we could save up to 150,000 trees annually. If a million people did this, we could save up to a million and a half trees.
*The junk mail Americans receive in one day could produce enough energy to heat 250,000 homes.
*The average American still spends 8 full months of his/her life opening junk mail.
*If only 100,000 people stopped their junk, mail, we could save up to 150,000 trees annually. If a million people did this, we could save up to a million and a half trees.
*The junk mail Americans receive in one day could produce enough energy to heat 250,000 homes.
*The average American still spends 8 full months of his/her life opening junk mail.
re cycle
re duce
re use
re duce
re use
i cant think of an ending
i hate homework.
If we don't recycle in 10 year time the roads mighrt be coverd in garbage and think about the trees we might die!!!! oh noooooooooooooo
Got anything else ?
we should recycle!!!!
shut it!
just stop those bloody comments this site is for preparing speech
just stop those bloody comments this site is for preparing speech
the more u recycle the more money you will save
Hey help me in speech
Research more.
Good speech so far but you need to put more figure of speech or as u call it stylish