I am taking a French course online and i just want someone to check some of my work from time to time to make sure i am doing it correctly and to give me any tips they may have. What i have copy and pasted below took me awhile to get so i just wanted a second opinion on if i did this correctly. Thank you for your help!
Vous avez décidé de ___(1)___ le petit ___(2)___ au ___(3)___. Un serveur vous ___(4)___ à l’entrée et vous ___(5)___ le menu. Vous savez déjà ce que vous aller ___(6)___; un petit déjeuner ___(7)___ français. Le serveur ___(8)___ apporte votre petit déjeuner. Vous ___(9)___ demandez de vous apporter un autre café. Il vous ___(10)___ amène un tout de suite.
My options for the blanks are below and the number behind them is where i placed them:
dejeuner (2)
apporte (5)
commander (6)
en (10)
typiquement (7)
prendre (1)
lui (9)
accueille (4)
vous (8)
cafe (3)
4 answers
Next time, if you can put th e answers in numerical order or ON the line, it will be easier to check.
1. OK
2. déjeuner (MUST have the accent)
3. café (accent mark required)
4. OK (why Present and not Passé Composé?
5. OK
6. OK
7. OK
8. OK
9. OK
10. This "could" depend upon the speaker. l'amène = the specific cup of cuffee or en amène = some coffee
Sra (aka Mme)
Feel free to ask any question and I'll flag this so I can return. Does this
French Course have a specific textbook?
Elle demande le menu au serveur. Elle ___(1)___ ___(2)___ demande
1. le
2. lui
Could you provide me with some tips on this question? I am having a hard time with this one.
Est-ce que vous nous avez vus au restaurant? Non, nous ne ___(1)___ ___(2)___ avons pas vus.
me, te, nous, vous before le, la, les before lui, leur before y before en
verb + -le, -la, -les, -leur BEFORE -moi, -toi, -lui, -nous, -vous BEFORE y BEFORE en
Oh dear, this isn't all that clear either! IF I could send you my charts directly, it would be far easier to understand!
Sra (aka Mme)