It would help a lot if you told us what play you are talking about. Is it "El Caballero de Olmedo" by Lope de Vega?
If so, see
Hello, for the three omens for fortelling Alonso's death I have so far Act 2 P. 113 line 75 Where Alonso says" Tello, a love that's true ignores, the greatest danger. It is my fate that I should have a rival. Is that good, i couldn't find anymore in act two and then in act three i have for the omen page 150 where Alonso says And so I go, half dead and yet half alive. What can I say to leave, my foot already in the stirrup. Then third omen act one p. 87 Alonso says" Worship today, and die tomorrow" How are those 3 for omens, all the professor is looking for is the omen and who says it. Thanks
5 answers
sorry its Knight of Olmedo
What a wonderful site drwls gave you! Actually it's the same play: El Caballero de Olmedo (Spanish) and The Knight of Olmedo. Don't miss Dr. Friedman's remarks. Did you read the posts of yesterday and this morning I did for you? You mean I didn't have to reread it AGAIN and actually think?!!
Yes, these look good. To my way there are many omens = referring to the posts I already gave you.
Yes, these look good. To my way there are many omens = referring to the posts I already gave you.
Haha, Thanks so much I have a learning disability so its hard for me to understand this stuff.
Brady: What type of learning disability do you have? Regardless of that, keep on trying! You will inspire others every time you succeed!