Hello, Could anyone help me with something about rolling motion?

Well the question is the next:
Does static friction cause a positive work in the rolling motion?
I really don't get how the static friction is involved in rolling and if it causes work
Please help

1 answer

Static friction exists between whatever is rolling and the surface that it is rolling on.
Consider a passive tire on the road. The tire would not rotate at all if the friction were zero at the point of contact; it would merely slip along, as when you try to brake on ice. The friction at the point of contact applies the necessary force at the distance r (radius of tire) to produce the rotation around the axle. Such a combination of force and radius arm is called torque. The wheel turns in response to torque resulting from friction between the tire and the road. A drive wheel, on the other hand, is impelled to rotate by the engine-crankshaft assembly. In this case, friction enables the car to move - i.e., it provides the necessary propulsive force between the tire and the road. The only work done here is done by the drive wheel moving the car. No work is done in passive rolling