Our Spanish tutor passed away a couple of years ago.
Hello, can anyone check my spanish grammar, please?
Hola, me llamo Kayla. My pasatiempo es leer un libro y juego voleibol con mis amigas. Yo prefiero leer un libro porque puedo tener algunos tiempo solo con misma y disfruto de leer mucho. Ahora mismo, hace calor y lleavo una camiseta con un pantalones corto. El pasatiempo preferido de mi familia es tennis porque es divertido.
4 answers
I can translate this
Hi, my name is Kayla. My hobby is reading a book and playing volleyball with my friends. I prefer to read a book because I can have some time alone with myself and I enjoy reading a lot. Right now, it's hot and I'm wearing a T-shirt with a shorts. My family's favorite pastime is tennis because it's fun.
your welcome
your welcome
thank you