he said to his sister, he siad to his brother. What did the witty raindrop exclaim to all the others?

11 answers

If this really relates to math, please repost with more data.
The clue to this riddle can be found by computing the math questions at
(Broken Link Removed)

The answer starts out with "Two's company..."

Do the math exercises by yourself to get the rest
By the way, you copied the riddle incorrectly so that it does not rhyme as it should. It should read:

He said to his sisters;
he said to his brothers.
What did the witty raindrop
exclaim to all the others?
Two's company but three's a cloud

hope it helps!
Two's company but three's a cloud
Thx :-)
Cloudy days rain over three! Not.
all of these are fake
Twos company but threes a cloud
So the answer is math?
Whats the answerrrrr