Has anyone ever noticed how rude oobleck can be? Like if you agree dislike if you disagree.
23 answers
yo kid you shouldnt be doin dis stuff
HE SHALL BE BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is my older sister her name is.......
chloe is my little sister yes and i love her so much
Stop pretending to be me. :/
whoever yall are weird and dont you guys realize that evrybody is watching you guys prpbobly
who cares if everyone is watching?
cause now back of im wayyyy better little kid
shut it randomperson0
can sumeowene pleaasese heoelp me with this queesteantion 5 pus 3 im imn k
C'mon you guys. Let up. You're cluttering this board with trash. Because you're taking up space some student (or students) may not be able to post a legitimate question.
Sorry I was rude, guys. I'll take a deep breath before I take off on any more rants.
wow, thank you mr.oobleck! :)
What the HECK TruthSpeaker??? You should be happy Oobleck is even answering these questions, he can easily ignore them.
Oobleck is sometimes harsh ngl
He is rude
I never seen oobleck act like this
Well kind of. Sometimes he is rude though not going to lie.. But sometimes he's nice I guess. But guys have a wonderful day and stay safe!!! And go back to God because he loves you and God has done so much for you. Don't do bad stuff because that will make God displeased with us and we need God because God can do ANYTHING but fail!!! And ALWAYSSSS put GOD first and he is the ONLYYY (HE IS THE ONLY) God nobody can do what God can do!! GO BACK to God before its too late!!!! AND HE IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oobleck is mean sometimes