"Hang On, Dolly!" was written by Sally Leey to show that their are no limits to doing what you love. The title of the book is "Hold On, Dolly!" because when Dolly's parachute, tied to a hot air-balloon by a light rope. She had to hold on the trapeze bar, and if she didn't she would rush down to earths surface and fall to her earth. "High-Flying Hero!" was written by Christy Mihaly to show teamwork makes the dream work. The title of the book is called "High-Flying Hero!" because a fly-highing pigeon named Cher Ami saved nearly 200 people from death, by sending messages by the people in World War I to the Signal Corps Headquarters. The pigeon was shot in the chest and leg before coming to the Headquaters but Cher Ami was strong and flapped its way over. Informational texts are effective because they give more information about the text.

I believe the text structure for "Hang On, Dolly!" is Problem-Solution because when Dolly was hanging on the trapeze bars, she was getting tired from all the weight, to make her breath calmer, she sung her dad's song. I believe the text structure for "High-Flying Hero" is also problem-solution because when one side of World War I had their own team started bombing them, the pigeon, Cher Ami had a message to send to the Signal Corps Headquarters. It read, "Our artillery is dropping a barrage directly on us. For heaven’s sake, stop it." Explicit texts from "Hang On, Dolly!", Dolly took a deep breath and jumped. Her parachute, tied to the balloon by a light rope, broke free. Dolly’s body plunged toward the earth like a speeding rock. This is an explicit details, and it is effective in informing readers because it shows that she is almost die.

The authors point of view of "Hang On, Dolly!" is third person, because it says names and never says I, or you, it only says Dolly. The point of view changed how the story was told, it was told by Sally Lee, and not Elizabeth Shepherd, or Dolly, as said on the cover of the book. The Point of view of "High-Flying Hero!" is also third person because it says names and never says I, or you, it only says Cher Ami. The point of view changed how the story was told, it was told by Christy Mihaly, and not the World War I soilders, as said on the cover of the book. I think informational text are effective because in the text when the authors talk about something crazy, it affects the story so much by informing how and where it happens.

33 answers

anonymous you did that periodt👏👏
yeah anonymous did, did that
And did🥱
thank you so much
oml thats a lot
what did you get on it is i correct
In this unit, I learned about three often used text structures Cause-effect, Sequence, and Compare-contrast. The author’s choice of using the Compare-contrast text structure in Hang On, Dolly! was effective to inform me about how dolly as a tomboy is all about adventure. This text structure helped me understand _________ when the author wrote “_________”. The text structure, (Cause-effect/Sequence/Compare-contrast), used in High-Flying Hero as evidenced in the sentence, “_________” helped me understand ______ because ______. I found the author’s choice of text structure (interesting/not interesting) because ____.
Bruh what is wrong with you bruh
thx so much you helped a lot!!!!!!
joe mama
I just got caught for cheating because I copied this :(
ahhahahh anonymous
shouldent have been copyin
Anonymous, you should have changed the words instead of just copying and pasting the entire thing in.
NOOO! I did change the words when I used it and I still got cot. UGHHHH!!
I didn’t get caught. Plus it’s not the teachers who check it the computer does it for them so it scans your work and the internet to see if you copied anything so yea…that’s why I paste then change most of the words, so It’s not cheating.
Write it on here then screen capture it change a few words rapidtables.com
Your teachers at Connections Academy knows about this and will know if you're copying.
Please use your own words and write your own essay as using this will sadly result in a 0 and an honor code violation. It is important that you do not use this essay and copy.
Yea it's pretty hard to plagiarize you have the change words and usually write it in a different order
Basically, don't plagiarize!!!
Thanks, anonymous for the ideas I was kinda having trouble but you helped me write it
You're going to get caught, because so many students are using the same essay, and so your teachers catch on when they read the same essay, or variations of the same essay, over and over again...and that is even IF the CheckMyWork doesn't catch you first. Don't bother. It's not worth it.
Period and alot of people here go to Connections academy and i saw connections academy's comment
Use the answer if you need but don't copy and paste it just type it yourself cause the teachers have this app where they can see if you copied and pasted or just typed it in your own words.So basically you can use the answer but just type it yourself and change more than 5 words but don't copy and paste cause like I said the teachers have an app for this.
omg its so fun its like boom boom AHHHHH i love it i cant wait
listen you just stay amomums and don't copy paste the entire thing just take the thing that you needed and put it in your own words and in your own way so nobody will get caught
really dream
I did not copy and paste