H3CA is a vitally important intemediate in the metabolism of carbohydrates. The compound is widely distributed in plant and animal tissues and fluids. H3CA is a tiprotric acid, ie, it requires three moles of NaOH to fully neutralize one mole of H3CA.

a.) If it requires 19.41 of 0.616 M NaOH(aq) to fully neutralize 0.766g of H3CA, what is the MOLAR MASS of H3CA?

b.) Given the following % composition, determine the true formula of H3CA: 37.51% C; 4.20% H, 58.29% O.

For part A. is that just extra info?

Molar mass is simply mass of H *3 plus the mass of Calcium which ='s 43.104 g/mol H3CA..

For part B... given the percent composition, I did
37.51 g/ 12.0111 g/mol= 3.123 mol C
4.20 g/ 1.0079 g/mol= 4.17 mol H
58.29 g/ 15.999 = 3.643 mol O.

Now to find the true formula or Empirical Formula, I'd have to divide those previous answers by the small mole number which is 3.123.

I guess the empirical formula would be:
C1 H1.34 O1.16 ?

Does that make sense and is this even right?

1 answer

For part a. Is WHAT just extra info?
For part B. Two points.
1. H3CA is just a name given for the triprotic acid in the problem. The CA is NOT (repeat, NOT) calcium.
2. You're on the right track for the empirical formula but you forgot that the subscripts must be whole numbers. When you get strange looking numbers like you have (which by the way are correct), you try to round them to whole numbers BUT you may not round more than maybe 0.1 or so. Since these are out of that range, here is what you do. Multiply by whole numbers to see if you can get another set of whole numbers. Like this.
O1.16 Multiply by 2 to get
C2H2.68O2.32. Nope, won't do it so try multiplying by 3 to get this.
C3H4O3.5 and when I spot that I quickly note that the 3.5 multiplied by 2 gives me 7 (a whole number) so I multiply everything by another 2 to get
C6H8O7 and that is the empirical formula. I expect that is citric acid.