GUIDELINE: Set achievable goals for your work unit. If I were going to set achievable goals they would be meet the deadline. Have the work be the best it can be.

An example: Writing a research paper and the goals for it could be the following. To beat the deadline, to have the paper be the best I can make it, to plan it out, find my sources, maybe do an outline, rough draft, then do corrections/ add or subtract words,meet the word count and do the proper spacing, and then finally do the final draft and turn it in. It was sucessfull because I learned from it and I got a good grade on it.

I worked a little more on this but I am still like 40 words short.

3 answers

For most paragraphs you need to have a topic sentence with specific points. The rest of the paragraph goes into more detail in an organized way and in complete sentences.

You could write:

My goals for writing a research paper are to find my sources, plan it out, make the final paper as good as I can, and meet the deadline. To find my sources, I will _____________________. Studying the material and taking notes is the next step.

You could continue on usint these sentences as a pattern.
My experience on goals is this: If someone sets goals that are consistently achievable, the goals are too low. One gets what one seeks. As a teacher, I liked the 80 percent mark: set goals or assignments for students in which you think that they can achieve 80 percent of it. In the end, one can get a lot of accomplishment by effort.
I suppose it depends on what one views as our purpose in life, and that can vary. As for me, I see goal setting as way of making progress, and no progress is made if expectations are low.
ok and how would I do an intro for a paper on WORK TEAM CONCEPTS.