Gorbachev did not think about all the consequences that would happened if he changed Russia into perestroika. He underestimated the effect that perestroika would have on Russia. Yes, his political initiatives were great for freedom and democracy but all that freedom had a huge price. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union Russia has been struggling to build a democratic political system and market economy. Everyone has to accept their wrongs and this was one of Gorbachev mistakes instead of blaming others. It was because of Gorbachev USSR fell and ever since then Russia has not been the same.

There is no reason to blame Gorbachev for the way Russia is the way it is today. In fact we should be thanking him. Gorbachev was a victim of circumstances. What is meant is that Gorbachev did the best he could in the situation USSR was in when he was in power. He saved Russia from further destruction. The ones who should be blamed is Brezhnev. I am not saying that Gorbachev did not have any faults but he had to follow Brezhnev.

Brezhnev was in office from October 14, 1964 to November 10, 1982; that is 18 years. He is the one to blame for Russia’s current economic woes, why? Brezhnev prolonged Brezhnev stagnation. This made USSR fall into catastrophic economic problems and much more. When Brezhnev died the next person to come into power would have to deal with the economic problems that he ignored. Also he would have the task of rebuilding USSR from nothing.
Gorbachev was the next person in power.

Should Gorbachev be blamed for the current economic woes of Russia? Gorbachev should not be blamed for this, instead he should be thanked because he did what he thought was the right thing to do. Gorbachev was a victim of circumstances. Brezhnev should be blamed for what happened to Russia and the way it is today. Further more Gorbachev saved Russia from being destroyed further than it was. With all the facts I believe that Gorbachev is innocent and should not be blamed for something he did not do.

You are saying two things simultaneously... Gorbachev caused the problems that Russia is having today.
Brezhnev is causing the problems Russia is having today.
You need to sort out your thinking on this and reorganize your essay. Then I or one of the other teachers will be happy to proof-read.

sorry it is a position paper that is why i have two diffrent opnions sorry for the mix up!

Henery, in a position paper, you need to take one side and support that. An information paper would give various opinions. I would suggest that you take Brezhnev and show how his policies resulted in the problems Russia is having.