At address with a golf driver, the general recommendation is to have a slight lean of the shaft forward, but not excessively. Here are some tips for proper set-up:
Slight Forward Lean: At address, it’s typical to have a slight forward lean of the shaft toward the target. This means that the grip of the driver can be positioned slightly ahead of the ball, encouraging a better downward angle of attack and helping with ball striking.
Grip Position: The grip should ideally be positioned just in front of the ball, allowing for a more natural swing motion.
Straight Alignment: The shaft should not be overly angled against your thigh, as this may create tension in your arms and wrists, limiting your ability to make a smooth swing.
Posture: Maintain good posture with your back straight and your knees slightly flexed. Your arms should hang naturally from your shoulders.
Ball Position: The ball should be positioned just inside your left heel (for right-handed golfers), which allows for an upward angle of attack during the swing.
In summary, there should be a slight lean forward at address, but the shaft does not need to lean heavily onto your thigh. Comfortable and balanced positioning is key for a proper setup.