graph it !!!! first quadrant
(1.5 , 3.5) intersection
evaluate 6x-4y at those corners
makes sense, need big x and small y :)
given the system of constraints, name all vertices of the feasible region. then find the maximum value of the given objective function.
x ≥ 0
y ≥ 0
y ≤ 1/3x + 3
5 ≥ y + x
Objective function: C = 6x - 4y
21 answers
Thanks for this. Remember, it's not cheating if you're not caught!
This website is cheating use you freaking brain your cheating because you on this website lokking for answers because you can't do work on your own!
get a load of this guy above me.
This guy above me is not a comrade
The Guy above me is a communist spy
It's not cheating if you stop time to write down the answers
talking when you cant even spell. LOL
you're clearly here because you looked up that same question, but go off i guesss
you're clearly here because you looked up that same question, but go off i guesss
^Well someone had to say it
Imagine searching up the question just to bash people for not understanding something- I mean go off?
I love the vibes here lol
Its not cheating if you're not caught
You're telling us to use a brain buddy proper grammar much
COMMON SENSE you're one to talk, how did you end up here if you weren't after the same thing LMAO. Im not about to fail an assignment because it's teaching me something I will never need in my life
So we all here rn?
So like since we are here how about sub to my channel……. Also this is the most active Jishka Q/A I’ve seen
This is two years later but im pretty sure you need to learn what "hypocrisy" means.
lol, okk anywayssss, y'all r doin great :D
for someone named “common sense” you sure can’t spell
for someone named “common sense” you sure can’t spell
common sense, your comment in here telling people not to cheat isn't gonna stop anyone. Like why would I need to know how to graph constraints to be anything successful in the world. I'm pretty sure everyone here knows basic math.