The trick here is to use your electronegativeity to determine which are covalent.
LiF, or instance, is ionic
You figure the rest based on difference in electronegativity.
Hint: are any Gaseous? Those are probbbly covalent. If three are colvlent, and two are gases, one solid, look closely at the solid.
Given the following information about electronegativity, which binary compound would form covelant bonds with the greatest polarity?
Element Electronegativity
H 2.1
Li 1.0
S 2.5
Al 1.5
F 4.0
Cl 3.0
A. HCl
B. LiF
C. H2S
D. AlH3
2 answers
Thank doesn't help. I posted the question because I don't understand how to compare the electronegativity when there are molecules like AlH3.