Pick a k, say k = -2
Then f(x) = 1/x^2
what is f(1)?
what is f(2)? f(10)? ...
review your section on exponentials
Given that f(x) = x^k where k < 0, what is the range of f(x) on the interval [1,infinity)?
11 answers
@oobleck, can you solve it, and just tell me the answer?
yes, but I have already studied this stuff - you clearly have not.
Did you at least try to do what I suggested?
As x gets bigger and bigger, 1/x^2 (of x^k for any negative k) gets smaller and smaller. But it always stays positive.
Did you at least try to do what I suggested?
As x gets bigger and bigger, 1/x^2 (of x^k for any negative k) gets smaller and smaller. But it always stays positive.
I need the answer fast, can you just show me the answer please?
sorry. If you can't be bothered to perform a couple of simple calculations, nor look at your text, I will not do your work for you.
Math is like any other skill -- it takes time and effort. Think of the things (if any) that you do well. No one else did the practice required. Even if I do this one for you, there will come a time when you have to demonstrate what you have learned. I won't be there for that.
You can do the suggested work in about two minutes. Why are you wasting time sitting on your hands? Just do it.
Math is like any other skill -- it takes time and effort. Think of the things (if any) that you do well. No one else did the practice required. Even if I do this one for you, there will come a time when you have to demonstrate what you have learned. I won't be there for that.
You can do the suggested work in about two minutes. Why are you wasting time sitting on your hands? Just do it.
Though, oobleck You can't just let the student down. You have to work with them until they understand.
I generally do, but when I have given them a start and they refuse to follow up in any way, or even to ask what I mean, I say let 'em tread water for a while.
maximum range: 1
minimum range approaches 0
Thus the range is (0,1]
minimum range approaches 0
Thus the range is (0,1]
I agree with Charles(fake)
oobleck is just skill issue