1) In the Harvard referencing method, if you are using a secondary source, such as a book, the general format would be:
Author last name, Author first initial. (Year of publication). Title of book in italics. Place of publication: Publisher.
For example:
Smith, J. (2005). Critical analysis of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. London: Penguin Books.
In this case, you would cite specific arguments or insights from Smith's book about Julius Caesar and provide a vigorous interaction with the primary text. For instance, Smith may discuss the characterization of Brutus in the play and you could analyze how Shakespeare portrays his internal conflict and noble intentions in the text itself.
2) Another Harvard referencing method for secondary sources, such as an academic journal article, would be:
Author last name, Author first initial. (Year of publication). Title of article in quotation marks. Title of journal in italics, Volume number in italics(Issue number), Page numbers.
For example:
Jones, D. (2010). Rhetorical devices in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Shakespeare Studies, 35(2), 125-140.
By referencing Jones' article on rhetorical devices in Julius Caesar, you can engage with specific examples of how Shakespeare uses rhetoric in the play to convey themes of power and manipulation. This shows a vigorous interaction with the primary text by exploring different layers of meaning and interpretation.
Give me 2 harvard referencing method of secondary sources and prove vigorous interaction with a primary text on shakespeare julius ceasar
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