For the greeting in a business letter when you don't know the name of the person who will be reading it, which of the following is least likely to conform to present-day usage?
(A. Dear Editor)
B. Dear Mrs. Carleton
C. Dear Mr. Givens
D. Dear Sir
I'm very confused because it says Least likely. wouldn't that be all but (a)?
1 answer
This is very confusing. I think it's a confusing question. "Dear Sir" is the old-fashioned way, but it's now considered sexist because a woman might read the letter. "Dear Editor" is only appropriate for a letter to the editor of a publication. If you don't know who is going to read the letter, you can't address that person by name (you don't know it). I don't know what the "correct" answer would be. I suppose A is as good as any to be least likely UNLESS it really is a letter to the editor, which is NOT a business letter.