For social studies i have to do a project called the "american dream" We have to create a poster of pictures that we think defines what the american dream is for either america or our own dream. Im doing what i think americas american dream is. I only have 4 pictures at the moment and am aiming for like 9 or so. The pictures i have are of abraham lincon- because he kind of made the american dream possible.And showed how persiverane in getting his dream. Then i have a pictures of school supplies- because i thought what a lot of people in the us this as of the american dream is getting an education and then doing a job they like. I also did american symbols like the flag and eagle and the statue of liberty. Also the peace sign since i think part of the american dream is to be in peace. I haven't glued these on the poster yet so i can still add/change them.

Any suggustions for other pictures i could put on the poster?

6 answers

Maybe you can get some ideas from these posters of the American Dream. However, what is YOUR dream? What do you want to become? How do you want your world to be like when you are ,,,,,say 30 years old,,,,
What do you think that people, who immigrate to the US, are looking for? These would all make good additions to your presentation.
You have some excellent ideas.

You could borrow from Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech and show people of different races and ethnic groups working or playing together.

How about modern versions of Franklin Roosevelt's Four Freedoms? This site shows the Norman Rockwell paintings of them.
I didn't get the link in...ooopppsss!
Thanks for all of the help.

Gurublue the all of google images is blocked on my computer. So the link is blocked. Thanks anyway
Check this site. There are copies of Norman Rockwell paintings of The American Dream
This site also has copies of Rockwell's Four Freedoms.