For my lesson I need to create a alternate ending of a story, I chose "Pair of Silk Stockings" by Kate Chopin. I have read the story.

I'm not supposed to change the ending, but rather add on to it.. I have to add about 2 pages, but I have no idea what I should bring the story to. Can anyone give me some ideas?

6 answers

This site may give you some ideas.
You need to imagine what might happen to the characters AFTER the story ended.
Okay I have a idea, maybe I can make it so she arrives home, but doesn't give up her own personal identity, but also doesn't give up her family responsibilities, She then on sets aside a day a week where she can go on and do her own activities without feeling lost. How about that?
Sounds realistic to me.
Go for it.
Okay, Thank you both.
You're welcome.