What you do is reword it, using synonyms if you can.
For my Environmental Science Research Paper on Coral Reefs, I have started writing the Introduction paragraph. My teacher said to include everything that will be mentioned throughout the paper. And so I copied this paragraph from my workbook because this is everything that I will be covering:
Coral reefs are the second richest ecosystem or interdependent environment on Earth. They have been called the rain forests of the oceans because of the rich diversity of life they support. One of the most common examples is the Great Barrier Reef in the northeast part of Australia, which is one of the biggest reefs in the world. There are several different types of reefs that serve as “homes” for numerous plants and animals. Unfortunately reefs are disappearing at an alarming rate. While coral reefs are extremely beneficial to humans, their existence is threatened by human activities.
But she said I can't copy it exactly or else it won't count. How can I rephrase this so it won't be the exact same thing?
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