for english i have to do a project and it can be on anything i want. i have to have a persuasive essay and a how to and the history on the subject. like my friend is doing ice cream and we are making it in class. my other friend is doing texting and having texting races in class. plz help i cant think of a subject to do!

For the persuasive essay, do it on anything you feel opinionated about. Search wikipedia for a list of controversial topics if that helps. A few months ago, my class gave how to speeches. Many kids did how to cook certain foods or how to play certain sports. If you want to be really creative about it, you could do your speech about how to use proper dining etiquette (what I gave my speech about) or what my sister did, how to make yourself look intelligent. Another creative person did how to enjoy apple pie. Brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm.

This might be fun! Dress up as a "caveperson' to give the history, then make some lollipops in class. It would only take a plug in burner and a pan for the syrup. You could find or make molds. Have different flavorings and colors.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here are some sites on how to write a persuasive essay:


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