lifting a weight upwards.
The others asked for simple machines. None of those are simple machines in terms of physical science.
For each of the activities listed below:
1. Describe one way in which work is done (Reminder: For work to be done, the force and the distance must be in the same direction.).
2. List two simple machines used in each task.
1. making a meal
oven, microwave
2. traveling to school
car, bike
3. moving to a new apartment
moving truck, ramp(inclined plane)
4. playing in a rock band
guitar, keyboard
could you give me an example of "1. Describe one way in which work is done (Reminder: For work to be done, the force and the distance must be in the same direction.)" so then i can understand this better please?:)
3 answers
so it could be like... oven door and how you turn on the toaster are both examples of levers.
or a knife which is a wedge?