For almost every news event, there are different opinions people can hold. Some people choose to send their opinions directly to the news source in the form of letters. In this lesson, you will scour the news for a topic on which you hold a strong opinion. It will become your topic for a letter to the editor.

an example is a letter to the editor of the county newspaper to improve conditions of the local zoo and help the animal live better.

Can I please get some more ideas and some suggestions on what my topic can be

2 answers

7th grade???

Read, read, read -- and think.

We have no idea what topic on which you have a strong opinion. And please don't make it trivial like potholes or barking dogs.
Y...what do you get excited about when you hear it on the news, or read about it in the paper? What riles you? What do you think is really important to change, fix? What sets your teeth on edge to the point where you want to "give someone a piece of your mind"?
This will be different for everyone.