for a homework problem it says to build both the high spin and low spin complex ion
and it gives me
spin of Fe (ox)3 3-
I don't understand what high spin and low spin is and I don't know what
Fe (ox)3 3- is suppose to be
7 answers
i have no idea either. i can't find it in my book =(
Fe(ox)3 3- is Fe(C2O4)3 3- from the lab. The energy for high is 2/5 of the energy for the low. Make sure you build your molecule correctly and select a charge of -3. Your answers should come out to be -3439.31 for the low spin and -1375.724 for the high spin.
How are you getting the high spin energy? I keep trying with 5 unpaired electrons, but I get something completely different.. :\
And do you guys have answers for prob 9? I spend 4 hours doing the computation on Spartan and it came up wrong...
And do you guys have answers for prob 9? I spend 4 hours doing the computation on Spartan and it came up wrong...
lol im having trouble with that too :(
same here =[
Why is the energy for high 2/5 of the energy for the low.
I think that is the ratio of energy difference between high and low spin, read it on wikipedia or something.