From the brackets, it is not clear if the "matrix" has one single row or two rows.
Brackets are usually used to delimit a row
If it has two rows, then you could write it as
2 -3 7
1 0 4
[2 -3 7]
[1 0 4]
If it has only one row, it would be written as
[2 -3 7 1 0 4]
In any case, an additive inverse is a matrix of the same "shape", i.e. containing the same number of rows and columns, that when added to the given matrix, results in zero.
In other words, the additive inverse of matrix A is -A.
For example,
The additive inverse of
[ 2 3 4]
[ -2 -3 -4 ]
[2 3 4]+[-2 -3 -4] = [0 0 0]
Fine the size of the following matrix and its additive inverse matrix. Identify if it is a square,
column, or row matrix:
[ 2 -3 7
1 0 4 ]
1 answer