Find the total resistance (in series) of 1.0 MΩ, 560 kΩ, 5.6 MΩ, 680 kΩ and 10 MΩ

So I understand to find total resistance is RT= R1+R2+R3.... but it's the MΩ that's confusing me on what I should do

4 answers

M means mega, as in one milion.
k means kilo, one thousand. Here in engineering notation of powers of ten;
resistors are 1e6;560e3;5.6e6;680e3; 10e6
and you need to know on each resistor "tolerance", because adding a 10 M ohm and 560kohm probably has to be rounded to something like this 10.6Mohm, or 11Mohm Looking at the significant digits, I would be reluctant to take the final answer past the 1Mohm place
Convert all K-Ohms to Meg-ohms: 560k/1000 = 0.56 M-ohms.
680k/1000 = 0.680 M-ohms.
Rt = 1.0 + 0.560 + 5.6 + 0.680 + 10. = Total resistance in Meg ohms.
Яндекс.Директ – контекстная реклама на Яндексе