Find the like term in the expression y+1.2y+1.2z

y and 1.2y
1.2y and 1.2z
y and 1.2z
y, 1.2y, and 1.2z

Simplify 2 + 17x - 5x + 9
19x + 4
12x + 11 ***
22x + 11
15x + 4

Simplify 3(5y + 6) - 4
11y + 14
11y +18
15y + 14 ***
15y + 2

Factor 81 - 27p
9(9 - 3p)
27(3 - p) ***
27(54 - p)
27(p - 3)

3 answers

The last three are correct. Does the first contain typos?

y+1.2y+1.2z = 2.2y + 1.2z = 2(1.1y + .6y)
PsyDAG, no I'm pretty confused on that one, there are no typos.
like terms have the same variables and powers.
In the case of #1, it is the two "y" terms