Fill in the correct possessive adjectives.
1. su libro (his)
2. nuestro padre (our)
3. sus abuelos (their)
4. tus primas (your, familiar singular)
5. tu familia (your, familiar singular)
6. nuestros primos (our)
7. mis gatos (my)
Write the appropriate possessive adjective for each sentence.
1. Nuestro primo se llam Miguel. (our)
2. Su hermano es inteligente. (her)
3. Mi tía es creativa. (my)
4. Su abuelo es serio. (her)
5. Tus abuelos son mayores. (your, familiar singular, in L.A.)
6. Su calculadora está debajo del escritorio. (his)
7. Su lápiz es amarillo. (his)
8. Sus mochilas son grandes. (their)
Translate the following sentences into Spanish.
1. José is my brother.
José es mi hermano.
2. María is your sister. (your, familiar formal)
Marí es su hermana.
3. Your dog's name is Lacy. (your, familiar singular)
Tu perro se llama Lacy.
4. Our grandfather's birthday is January 4th.
El cumpleaños de nuestro abuelo es el cuarto de enero.
5. Your uncle likes apples. (your, familiar singular)
Tu tío le gusta manzanas.
6. His grandfather's name is José.
Su abuelo se llama José.
7. OUr house is large.
NUestra casa es grande.
8. Their parents work a lot.
Sus padres mucho trabajar.
9. My cat is pretty.
Mi gato es bonito.
10. My aunt is a teacher.
Mi tía es una maestra.
ARe they correct? If not, what can I change?
Muchas Gracias!!
1 answer
Because su can nean "his,her,it's, their, have you learned how to how WHOSE it is yet? #1. su libro de él = now it MUST be tranalated as HIS book.
You might consider that also for #6 and #8.
Now, in the 3rd set:
#2 Marí es su hermana. María es tu hermana.
#5. Ti tío le gusta manzanas. First of all remember that the verb "gustar" does NOT work like other verbs. It is used in 3rd-person singular form when one thing is peasing to HIM. In this case, the apples (plural) ARE interesting TO your uncle. Here is what it has to be: A tu tío le gustan manzanas.
#8. Sus padres mucho trabajar. Now you have no conjugated verb here. The sentence must be: Sus padres trabajan mucho.
10. Mi tía es una maestra. With professions that are not modified (no adjective), drop "una" = Mi tía es maestra.