Fill in the blanks with the subjunctive form of the verbs.
1. Me alegro de que el ecoturismo (ser) un buen negocio (business).
2. Es una lástima que tú no (reciclar) el vidrio.
3. No crees que ellos (querer) usar energía solar.
4.Ojalá todos nosotros (poder) respirar aire puro.
5.Teme que (haber) sobrepoblación en este país
5 answers
This looks like homework dumping. Please wait to see Sra's responses to your first three posts.
Take each exercise, one at a time. Be sure you understand what you are doing BEFORE you go on to the next one. "Baby steps" until y ou know what you are doing!
I'll keep ALL your posts from Ms.Sue and check from time to time, until you post ANSWERS because then I can explain much better what you need, step by step!
I'll keep ALL your posts from Ms.Sue and check from time to time, until you post ANSWERS because then I can explain much better what you need, step by step!